The Ties That Bind (An Ariel Kimber Novel Book 4) Read online

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  I actually wasn't confident about that last part at all, but Tyson had seemed confident and I had decided to put my trust in him and roll with it. If he said the threat had been neutralized, then who was I to tell him different? Besides, confidence was everything and if I faked it enough for Uncle Quint then maybe he wouldn't kill Tyson or anyone else today and we could get back to talking about Marcus.

  "Anyways," I said, and his mouth opened and I just knew he was going to interrupt me so I spoke as fast as I could, spewing out words at an alarming rate. "That's done. We are moving on from it. Now, about Chucky. He may or may not be dead. We didn't stick around to find out because I was supposed to be invisible, but I screamed, and we were worried someone heard me and we didn't want to be there when people came out to check and see what all the fuss was. So we got the heck out of there. As for what happened to him... well, we'll just say he took a bad fall and there was a lot of blood. I've only seen one person before who was dead and since that's not going to make me an expert on the subject I didn't know what signs to look for. Also, we were running, and it didn't allow for us to get up close and personal with him. And that's that."

  Quinton crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me.

  "That's that?" He sneered. He shook his head and turned his burning gaze on his nephew. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

  Not good and getting worse by the second.

  "He was thinking he felt guilty for what happened with Annabell in the past and wanted to do what he could to make sure she didn't hurt any one of you in the future," I replied for Tyson hotly. "He also didn't want you going in there and doing something unfortunate to her that would backfire and cause the Council to turn on you all, turn on us."

  "They wouldn't-"

  This time it was me who cut him off. "They're sleeping with her, Quinton. They want to see if they can get her pregnant and they wouldn't like you or anyone else doing something to get in the way of that. What Ty did made her forget and didn't do anything to harm her body. It's really no bid deal, Quinton and it's been taken care of. Nothing to freak out about."

  That last part was a lie. It was a really big deal to me, the whole thing had been, but I was trying to hide the fact it had freaked me right the heck out from them because I didn't want to get left behind if Tyson or one of them decided they needed another partner in crime.

  "Who is this Annabell?" Rain asked, and I was glad he did because it drew the attention away from Tyson.

  "She's a female witch," Damien told him and I noticed he didn't look angry at all. He was looking at Tyson with an appreciative light in his eyes. "Some of us were involved with her. She's a bitch, tried to fuck us over and almost destroyed our family. I'm glad she's the Council's problem now and I for one and grateful to my brother for taking care of that little problem for us."

  "Damien," Quinton growled. "You can't be serious."

  "I am, Quint. And you should be too." Damien focused on Ty and my breath caught in my throat at what I saw in his eyes. "I'm sorry my brother and I'll talk to Jules. We'll let it go, I promise. It shouldn't have dragged on for this long and I'm sorry for that as well. But, I'm glad it was you who did it and if she resurfaces I'm volunteering myself right now to be the one who goes with you to deal with her. It should be either myself or Jules who goes with you because you're not the only one who harbors guilt over what she did, we both do."

  "It's done," Tyson said in a rough voice. "You don't need to apologize. We're done with her and that's that."

  That's that, he'd said. Now he was stealing my lines. I hoped they worked better for him than they had me.

  "Sounds like you two had a busy night," Rain muttered.

  My head turned to him and his eyes were shining bright and on me.

  "Do you want to be like this Annabell?" He asked me in a serious voice.

  My head tipped to the side in confusing as I studied him. When I couldn't figure out what he meant, I asked, "What do you mean? Of course I don't want to be like her, she's horrible."

  And that was definitely no lie.

  Rain nodded once. "Then, like I was saying, you need to fake it for the Council. Make them think you're the perfect little witch who is studying magic with her coven and learning the ways and maybe they will go away. I will also encourage you to maybe pick one of your coven members to officially marry. That way you will be tied up nice and tight with them and even the Council won't want to rip you away from them, too much paperwork."

  My body strung tight as his words and I stared at Rain as if he'd sprouted a second head.

  "I'm seventeen," I breathed out. "I don't want to get married."

  "This actually works for me," Quinton said happily and my head swung to him in time to see him flash Rain a smile.

  "It's not a bad idea," Tyson stated and I shot him a dirty look. What a traitor. And after I had stood up for him.

  "We're not talking about this anymore," I told them all seriously.

  "We'll have to bring it up to the others, but I think the idea holds merit," Damien told them and I wanted to throw something at him for agreeing with the others.

  Rain ignored them and asked me, "Do you want to be a broodmare for the Council or do you want to do something that's important?"

  Some people would have argued with him that having children was important but since I never planned on having any, I didn't think it was my place to argue with him.

  The guys tensed, and I just knew they didn't like where this conversation was going.

  "What do you have in mind?" I asked Rain.

  "You want to follow in the family footsteps?" He asked me and there was a collective intake of breaths throughout the room. "Do you want to learn how to be a hunter?"

  The guys looked worried as they probably should have been.

  As for me? Well I grinned at my dad because there was no question about it. I wanted to learn. I wanted to learn everything.


  The Council payed Quinton a visit at the big house to deliver the news that Chucky had, unfortunately, suffered a horrible accident and lost his life. I hadn't been forced to attend this meeting. In fact, both Quinton and Rain had insisted I not attend.

  Yes, you heard that right. Both Quinton and Rain. I now had not one but two bossy alpha males in my life who thought they knew what was best for me. I didn't mind at all, in fact, I loved it. Just so long as Rain stuck around I could handle his bossy and be totally good with it. Having people in my life who cared about me far from sucked and I was loving every second with Rain.

  The Council backed off after Chucky died. They were giving me space and time. To do what, I had no idea and I didn't bother asking them. They weren't gone, but still staying at the Motel and I knew it wouldn't be long before they tried to insert themselves into our lives again. This, unfortunately, did not fill me up with joy on the inside.

  Since there wasn't anything I could do about it, I let it go. Worry, where they were concerned, would have been useless and a complete waste of my effort so I pushed it out of my mind and focused on the things in my life that I could control.

  Like the GED. Which I am proud to say I took and I passed.

  Annabell left Ty alone after he did that spell on her at the Motel. If she remembered anything that had happened to her that night we hadn't heard of it and I was more than okay with how that played out.

  Rain only brought the marriage idea to the table that one time and hadn't said anything about it since. If the guys had talked about it they had left me out of their conversations and I was grateful for it. I would get married when I was dead and not a day sooner. Besides, who would I pick to marry? I could never simply pick one of them. It didn't work that way between us and I wasn't about to make a choice between the seven of them. No way, no how.

  Someone slept in my bed with me every night because we still didn't know what had been trying to interrupt my sleep and the guys were over paranoid and weren't going to leave me alone until they figured it out. I d
idn't mind because I would rather sleep safely with one of them than be on my own and vulnerable to some unknown threat.

  Outside of a few things here and there that were out of my control, my life was looking up.

  My training with my dad began next week and I could not freaking wait.

  The End.

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