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What You Deserve : A Gem Stone Book Page 28

  “I want you inside me,” I moaned between desperate kisses, as I pumped my hand faster on his cock. “I don’t like knowing I’ve fucked Franklin and not you yet. It’s not going to seem real to me until we take this last step and make it official. Fuck me, Riley. Please.”

  It was the please that did it and had him yanking harder on my hair, jerking my head back and exposing my vulnerable neck to him. He ripped my hand away from his cock as he began trailing hot kisses down my throat. His fingers moved between my legs, and he kicked my feet apart as he let his fingers trail through my wetness. I sucked in a sharp breath as he suddenly thrust two inside and his thumb went to my clit where he began circling it with a desperate urgency that had me thrusting my hips along with each pump in and out of my body.

  My fingers clawed at his shoulders as I frantically rolled my hips and chased after the orgasm just out of my reach. His fingers curled, and my pussy clenched around him. I threw back my head, and a silent scream left my throat.

  Riley removed his fingers and his hands dropped down to my thighs. He picked me up and growled, “Wrap your legs around me, baby, and hold on tight.”

  I did as I was told and wrapped my legs around his hips. I felt him at my entrance right before he pushed his way inside. My back hit the tile wall as his hands dropped down to my hips.

  His mouth came down to mine, and he kissed me with a brutality that left me breathless as his hips picked up the pace and he began to fuck me in earnest.

  I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, all I could do was hold on to him as he slammed into me over and over again.

  My hips were going to be black and blue, and I could already tell my lips were going to be swollen, but it was worth every second of this wonderful torture.

  It didn’t take long for it to hit me again, and when it washed through me, I latched onto his hair and held on for dear life.

  My eyes snapped open, and I looked over Riley’s shoulder to see Franklin sitting on the counter watching the show with an evil little smirk on his face. For whatever reason, this was exactly what he wanted, and he seemed very pleased as Riley broke our kiss, shoved his face in my neck, and groaned out his own orgasm.

  I must have momentarily closed my eyes, because when I opened them again and looked at the bathroom sink, Franklin was nowhere to be seen. The bathroom door was once again closed, and Riley and I were alone.

  I think the pervert liked watching.

  Good to know.

  Maybe one day I could use that information to torture him in the most delightful of ways.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Put Me In Rotation


  Franklin, to my utter shock, took Riley with him to attend his father’s funeral. I had been stunned. My two boys were getting along with each other so well it was almost a miracle.

  However, I was not surprised in the least to learn that Franks had ordered a brand-new wardrobe for Riley and had it put up in one of the closets in the empty spare room he’d proclaimed as Riley’s new bedroom. In my freaking house.

  Riley had looked like he was in danger of having a stroke, but he’d kept his mouth shut and allowed Franks to dictate everything. I found the entire thing amusing, but somehow managed to keep my mouth shut and didn’t bust a gut laughing my ass off while watching the two of them interact. Secretly, their behavior toward each other pleased me to no end.

  I figured Riley kept his mouth shut because even though he didn’t show it, Franklin was going through some form of mourning even though he hadn’t liked the man who’d been his father. Riley was being his sweet self and didn’t want to upset my stoic bestie.

  I couldn’t wait for the day when he put Franklin in his place. I knew I’d be waiting for it for a while, because Riley was being incredibly sensitive to the two of us and our losses.

  Neither Franklin nor I gave any kind of consideration as to Riley’s loss he suffered right along with the two of us.

  I couldn’t imagine losing my best friend like he had, but now that I’d stopped being a selfish asshole, I realized I needed to handle things with Riley better and be a better girlfriend to him. A better friend even.

  They left together, but surprise, surprise, they didn’t leave me all by my lonesome. The guy from The Titty Bar, Chance was his name, showed up just as they were leaving.

  Neither of my two boyfriends were surprised by his appearance, and that was when it hit me. Those two shitheads had been scheming together behind my back to make sure I had a babysitter while they were gone.

  They were incredibly annoying.

  But at least Chance, with his bulging muscles and tight jeans, was pretty to look at. I could forgive them just this once.

  Chance and I stood at opposite ends of my living room, awkwardly staring at each other. This was the first time I’d felt so uncomfortable in my house, and I didn’t much appreciate that Riley and Franklin had put me in this position.

  The dicks.

  “So, uhh...” Fuck this! I sucked at making nice with people!

  He chuckled as he smiled at me. He had lines around his eyes when he smiled that made him appear several years older than me, and oddly enough they looked really good on him. He looked like he lived life rough and it suited him.

  “It’s not every day Franklin Nines calls me up and asks a favor of me, but when he does, I pick up the fucking phone.” He crossed his thick arms over his chest. “Especially when it involves the girl he’s basically wifed, who also happens to be the same girl who my brother Riley seems to be obsessed with. Made me curious, and I jumped at the chance to spend the day with you.”

  Great. Just what I needed, to be put under a microscope for the day when I’d already be a nervous wreck because my boys were off without me. I felt like my place was with them, and I’d been left behind.

  The feeling sucked.

  And this dude wasn’t making it much better.

  “I’m glad I can be your source of entertainment for the day,” I snapped at him.

  His smile got even bigger. Gah! My snarky attitude had the opposite of my desired effect on this one. So noted.

  “I’ve got a fight later tonight that I might have to take you to if your boyfriends aren’t back yet, but that’s not until later. The rest of the day is yours to do with as you please. Just pretend like I’m not even here.”


  Easier said than done.

  How could you forget the hulking, beefed up man in the room? Answer: you couldn’t.

  “Fight?” I couldn’t help but ask. He certainly looked like he could hold his own in the ring. And it would certainly be fun to watch big, sweaty, gross men wrestle each other. Not. I didn’t know if there was enough alcohol in the world to get me to go to that with him.

  “Yeah, I got a lot of money on tonight’s fight. If you want to make some fast cash, betting on me is the best way to do it.”

  Boy, he was sure full of himself. Cocky bastard.

  I stuck my nose in the air like a snotty brat and stared him down. “Thankfully I’m fortunate enough that I don’t have to slum it in some dumpster place while betting on brawling, sweaty dudes to make my money. Thank you very much.”

  He threw his head back and roared with laughter. I wanted to kick him.

  When he was done, he stood up straighter, wiped under his eyes, and smirked at me. “Christ, you’re a funny bitch. No wonder my boy is obsessed with you.” He winked at me. “You find you’ve got room for one more dick in your bed and wanna put me in rotation, just let a brother know, because I’m down to fuck if you are.”

  It was official, both Riley and Franks were going to die when they got home tonight for making me have to put up with this bullshit.

  The more people who knew about Franklin and Riley being with me, the more people who’d judge me and call me a whore. I didn’t think my father was just an asshole to be an asshole always. There was a reason he’d never gone public with his unconventional relationships. Nobody wanted to be treate
d less than because of who they loved. Some people were capable of loving more than one person, and it looked like the old man and I had more in common than I would have liked to admit to myself.

  I glared at him. “Just because I’m in a relationship, a consensual one, with two men that they’re both very aware of, does not make me a whore or easy or whatever the hell else you’re thinking right now that would make you think it’s okay to say something like that to me, but it is not. Get that in your head right now, and don’t ever speak that way to me again.”

  All amusement fled from his face, and he held his hands up to me in a show of surrender. “My apologies. I meant no offense, and I certainly didn’t mean to upset you in any way. I actually meant for it to be a compliment, because I find you to be incredibly attractive. Now that I know it upsets you and you’re not interested, I’ll back off and I won’t hit on you again. Just friendly behavior on my part from here on out.”

  Well, damn.

  Didn’t I feel like a big asshole now when he’d only been trying to be nice to me in his gross, manly way?

  I sighed, slightly defeated. “It’s my bad. Let’s just forget about it and enjoy the day we’ve been forced to endure together. What would you like to do? We can drink. We can swim in the pool or the lake. If you’re hungry, you’re welcome to eat whatever you find. We can’t watch TV because those haven’t been delivered yet. They won’t be here until tomorrow. And I can’t offer you a seat unless it’s outside, because furniture isn’t coming until later this week. Pathetic, I know, but that’s what I get for ordering shit online from fancy stores because I’m an asshole.”

  Holy shit, I shut my mouth because now I couldn’t seem to stop rambling for whatever reason. The dude had such a big presence that he made me slightly uncomfortable, and it seemed he’d given me diarrhea of the mouth.

  His big body relaxed, and he smiled softly, kindly, at me in a way that made him look incredibly friendly, and now I felt like even more of an asshole for taking him to task.

  “Just relax and go about your day how you usually would. I’ve got to make a few phone calls, and other than that, I think I might work on my tan, if that’s okay with you.”

  Now I relaxed. It was kind of him not to call me out for my rambling and bumbling ways and looking like a damn fool in front of him.

  “Alright,” I agreed easily. “Sounds good to me. Do you, uh, need a bathing suit or anything?”

  His eyes did that crinkling thing, and I found myself taking a step away from him as if he were a sweetly smiling predator. Franklin had taught me many things, and one of them was that most monsters were the men who walked amongst us. This man might come across as super friendly, but deep down I knew he hid a monster just like Franklin hid his. Only Franklin didn’t pretend to be friendly with people other than me.

  I’d have to keep a serious eye on this one, especially when we went out on our outing later tonight.

  I left him to it and fled—though I tried to pretend like I wasn’t fleeing the room and probably failed miserably—to one of the spare bedrooms where I had been storing all of the packages that arrived from one-clicking things on Amazon Prime like a freaking maniac. Two-day shipping, you couldn’t beat that, and you didn’t even have to leave the sanctuary of your own house to shop. I might have just gone a tad bit overboard.

  I looked around the boxes scattered all around the room and couldn’t help but laugh at myself. Okay, so maybe I’d gone way over a tad bit and right into the land of crazy. Thank goodness the boys hadn’t come in here and gotten a load of this chaos, I’d never hear the end of it.

  I dug through the boxes until I found what I was looking for and pulled the three plastic wrapped packages out—an air pump, a giant-sized unicorn, and a three pack of donut rings that were rose gold, pink, and silver and full of sparkles.

  I carried my burdens out to my backyard and dumped them onto the table. I looked around for Chance but couldn’t find him, so I shrugged and pulled up a chair.

  Twenty minutes later, I had all three rings blown up and floating around in the pool when Chance came up the steps that led down to the beach. No wonder I couldn’t find him, he’d abandoned me. He looked down at the deflated unicorn in my hand, and that smile that hid what was really on the inside came out to play again.

  “Change of plans, sugar,” he informed me when he got close to the table. “We gotta bail early so we can hit up the club and check things out there before we head to the fight.”

  That sparked my interest and I dropped the pump. It landed with a soft plop on the unicorn and I sat up straight.

  “You mean The Titty Bar?” I asked, and I’m not even going to lie, I didn’t hide my enthusiasm in the slightest. “Where Riley works?”

  I mentally counted how much cash I had hidden away in my bedroom and figured we’d be okay if we didn’t hit up an ATM. Then again, I had no idea how much a lap dance cost.

  He pulled out the chair beside me and sat down. “You’re an odd chick, you know that?”

  I knew lots of things and that was just one of many.

  Leaning down in front of me, he picked up the pump and the unicorn and pulled them into his lap. He began pumping air into the unicorn as he talked. “We won’t have time for that tonight, but I promise to bring you back a different night and you can get a lap dance on the house with whatever girl you want. Tonight we’re going to take a quick look through the video feeds to make sure everything’s good.”

  Hmm… “Why would everything not be good?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  I absolutely didn’t expect him to answer me, and I certainly didn’t expect to hear what came out of his mouth.

  “Because my family backed Franklin taking over his pop’s spot as the head of the family after he murdered the old man. That doesn’t sit right with all the other families, and there’s bound to be some form of retaliation at some point. Truthfully, I probably shouldn’t even be bringing you there with me, but since nobody actually seems to know about your existence, I’m banking on us being fine.” He shrugged his shoulders casually like he hadn’t just dropped a bomb in my lap. “Besides, it’s not like I can go without you, I made a promise.”

  Franklin had murdered his own father and I had no idea how to process that information. I didn’t want to care because it wasn’t like the man had been any good, but Jesus.

  “I need a fucking drink,” I snarled as I pushed my chair back and stomped into the kitchen.

  “Was it something I said?” Chance yelled after me, but I ignored him and moved straight toward the freezer where my Goose awaited me. Lately we were becoming the best of friends.

  Being locked away in a closet-sized office behind the scenes at a strip club with Chance was not my favorite thing to do in the world. In fact, it was downright boring.

  Chance spent over an hour looking through video of people coming and going in and out of the back door meant solely for employees. He came across absolutely nothing he thought looked suspicious, and I thought he’d wasted both of our time.

  As for me, well, I spent that hour logged into my sister’s Facebook account and looking through all of her private messages and stalking Belinda like the creeper I was turning into.

  Just to fuck with her, I liked a bunch of her latest posts, even the ones that were her crying about her dead friend. I wanted to comment, “Don’t you mean girlfriend?” but I didn’t think that was fair to my sister, so I managed to refrain.

  I logged out and into my own account before I got too ballsy and started commenting on things in Gin’s name. It was one thing to fuck with Belinda, it was an entirely different game to mess with people like Jason who were genuinely upset about Gin’s passing.

  After logging into my account, I hunted down Jason, Colby, and Finn and sent the three of them friend requests. Then I went ahead and changed my profile pic to an actual picture of me as opposed to the ridiculous picture of my car I’d had as my previous profile pic. It had been necessary, though, not to
show my picture in order to keep up the farce that Gin didn’t have a sister or actually know me on any level. I had cheated that rule at every chance I could.

  I had a whopping twelve Facebook friends, and one of them was now dead and another was Franklin who I think only had a page because I did, and we could both semi-cyberstalk my sister that way. Two of the other ones were nannies who I should probably block before they started cyberstalking me.

  I did no such thing.

  But, for good measure, I did hunt down Riley and send him a friend request as well. Maybe next time I logged in we’d be Facebook official. How ludicrous.

  “Hey, Chance,” I said as I finally looked up from my phone. “Do you have a Facebook page where we can be friends?”

  He looked at me like I had a screw loose.

  “No, I don’t have a damn Facebook account. I’m on Tinder and I have an Instagram. If you want to add me on there, go for it.”

  “Huh.” Wasn’t Tinder a dating app? What did this beefcake need with one of those when he could probably walk into any room, crook his finger, and have them run right into his arms? I actually had an Insta account, but I had zero posts and my two followers were Franklin and my dead sister. “What’s your last name so I can look you up?”


  It was a cool last name, I’d give him that. Almost as cool as Stone, but not quite.

  I found him on Insta and was annoyed when I had to request to follow him because his profile wasn’t public. Neither was mine, but I was nosy and wanted to look through his posts before I got distracted with something else and forgot about it entirely.

  Frustrated and now bored, I tossed my phone down onto the desk in front of me. For being a mobster’s son, Chance was pretty lame in comparison to my man Franks. At least Franklin argued with me and poked at me. Chance stayed entirely focused on the monitor in front of him.