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What You Deserve : A Gem Stone Book Page 26

  “Christ, you’re fucking beautiful,” Riley whispered in awe.

  I bit my lower lip as my eyes dropped down to where he kept pumping away at his cock. The sight of him pleasuring himself, coupled with the feel of Franklin’s cock moving inside me, pushed me over the edge and sent me spiraling off the cliff and into a sea of bliss. My orgasm shot through me, and my pussy clamped down on Franklin’s cock as my head flew back, my mint-colored hair flying out all around me as I came on Franklin’s cock with a whimper on my lips.

  Franklin’s hands clamped down on my hips as he bent forward over my body. His face went into my neck, and my cheek was forced flat against the counter. I felt Franklin’s dick swell inside me before he froze, his cock jerking, and he came inside me.

  Franklin’s teeth sunk into the side of my neck, and I whimpered at the pleasure mixed with pain the bite of his teeth brought me, and a second orgasm crashed through me.

  I clawed at the counter, reaching for Riley while whimpering and moaning. My entire body shook as my pussy spasmed around Franklin’s softening cock, trying to keep him hard and inside me where he belonged.

  “Come,” Franklin breathed out in a ragged voice that sent happy shivers through my entire body. “Right now. She wants to watch, and she deserves to see you blow and lose your mind after you watched her come on my dick. It’ll be her third reward for the day so far. Now, come.”


  Apparently, Franks was considering my climaxes to be rewards, though I wasn’t quite sure why he thought both he and Riley deserved rewards themselves this morning, but whatever. I’d gotten off twice, so I wasn’t about to argue with them both getting off at least once. The day was still young, so there’d be plenty of time and potential situations where they’d be able to find their second orgasms for the day.

  And hopefully, maybe, fingers crossed, a few more for me as well. I was a greedy cunt like that.

  For whatever reason, Riley kept doing exactly what Franklin told him to, and he came without breaking eye contact with me. He came on the countertop, and I found my hand twitching with the need to reach out and run my fingers through it like some kind of freak.

  Something moved through his eyes that looked a whole lot like unease, and at seeing it, I pushed myself up off the counter.

  “Don’t,” I whispered fiercely. “Don’t retreat and don’t try to hide from this. It’s done, and we can’t go back from it. And, honestly, I’m glad it happened. Don’t make it awkward, and please don’t regret it. Don’t make me regret it.”

  Franklin rubbed his hand up and down the center of my back in a light, gentle touch.

  His softening dick slipped free of my pussy, and I grimaced at the sudden feel of the mess that started to leak out of me. I had never had sex with someone without a condom before, but I could tell if I didn’t get this cleaned up quickly, I’d embarrass myself by dripping spunk all over the place.

  “I need to go get cleaned up,” I blurted into the silent room. Riley hadn’t responded, and he still hadn’t looked away from me. Though his face had softened, and he looked like maybe he wanted to hug me.

  I whipped around, ready to flee the scene of the crime, but Franklin refused to let me run away. Typical Franklin bullshit, of course he wasn’t about to just allow me to run off and escape them. Franks never let me take the easy way out.

  His hand went to the middle of my stomach, his palm covering my belly button, and I froze.

  “Get cleaned up, baby, and I’ll finish making us breakfast. I’ll also have words with our boy while you’re gone and smooth things over for the three of us. Don’t you worry about it, I’ll take care of everything.” He kissed me sweetly on the forehead. “We’ll eat out back at the only table you have so far, which is still fucking ridiculous, and I’ll fill you in on everything going down with my life over breakfast.”

  His palm cracked against my ass, making me cry out. I couldn’t help but laugh while I ran away from him. I made it to the hallway and looked back over my shoulder to see them both still standing where I’d left them, buck naked. I blew them kisses before running to my room and locking myself inside my bathroom.

  I leaned back against the door and blew out a deep breath.

  Holy hell.

  Had all of that really just happened? Franklin and I had sex while Riley watched.

  I had sex with my best friend.

  And my sister’s best friend got off on it in a really big way.

  What the hell was going on with my life where I was now getting everything I wanted?

  And how did I keep it this way without everything falling to shit like it usually did?

  I had no answers, and that scared the shit out of me.

  I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower, hoping they’d both still be here and not hating me when I went out to have breakfast with them.

  Hope wasn’t my friend. She was a bitch that usually took pleasure in fucking me every which way she could, knowing I wouldn’t enjoy it.

  Just once in my life, I wanted to get what I wanted and not feel guilty about it.

  Here was to hoping.

  Yeah, hope was most certainly a dirty fucking four letter word that destroyed people and things.

  That was life.

  You sucked it up, shit, then got off the fucking pot.

  Chapter Twenty

  Rich Girl Problems, Man


  Shame wasn’t an emotion I was familiar with, but here I was fucking swamped with it.

  Gem hadn’t been the one to invite me into her little sex time with her bodyguard best friend. No, he’d been the one to not only invite me in, but demand I get myself over there and take my fucking clothes off so I could join in but still remain on the sidelines at the same time.

  That motherfucker had really pushed me over the edge this time. Quite literally.

  I wanted to hit him at the same time I wanted to give him a big hug and tell him thank you.

  “She’s right, you know.” His voice came from right behind me, and I whirled around, clutching my shirt and jeans to my chest. Thankfully, I’d already put my dick back away in my boxers so I didn’t have to face him with my dick dangling for him to see. There were some lines we wouldn’t be crossing, and crossing swords was damn sure one of them.

  “I know she’s right, asshole,” I growled at him. That wasn’t my problem at the moment.

  Oh, no.

  My problem was him, and how easily I’d fallen prey to him with just the sound of his voice and a simple look in my direction. So maybe my problem was really with myself.

  I dropped my clothes to the floor and covered my face with my hands. Shit, had all of that really just happened?

  Franklin, the condescending fuck, patted me on the back as he chuckled. “Clean your jizz up and then get dressed. Fair warning though, I plan on telling her over breakfast about my dad, and I don’t think she’s going to take it well.”


  That was right, I’d forgotten about the death of his father. We were a seriously damaged bunch, the three of us.

  “Do you work tonight?” That question caught me off guard.

  Hadn’t I already told him about my conversation with Chance? “Chance gave me two weeks off that I didn’t ask for due to what he called ‘a death in my family.’ Paid two weeks off, mind you, because I can’t afford to not work for two weeks during the summer. I’ll work less when school starts back up, and I need to be able to afford clothes and car insurance and all that normal shit.”

  I knew it made me sound like an asshole, but Franklin’s presence in my life was really starting to fuck things up for me in a big way.

  “Ah,” he murmured, “that’s right, you’re poor. I forgot all about your low standing.”

  Jesus Christ.

  How Gem could be best friends with this asshole was beyond me. And why I seemed to like him a little bit was even more of a mystery.

  I picked my clothes up off the floor and put th
em on right there in the kitchen while Franklin went to the sink and washed his hands before moving to the stove.

  If he wanted to play housewife and make us all breakfast, that worked just fine for me. I was fucking starving and could definitely do with a home-cooked meal. Gem had a kitchen stocked full of food but didn’t actually appear to know how to make any of it. It was fucking weird. Why have so much food when all you did was order takeout all the time?

  All the food in this house would go to waste eventually with the way Gem lived.

  I didn’t mention anything to her about it because it was her house, her food, her money, so she could do what she wanted with it. It just seemed weird and ridiculous to me.

  I found Lysol in a spray bottle underneath the sink, and I grabbed a roll of paper towels from beside Franklin where he was working. I took both back to the island, and I thoroughly cleaned off the countertop and disposed of the soiled paper towels in the trash bin beneath the sink.

  “She can’t cook, you know?” Franklin whispered secretively, and I startled at this news with my mouth dropping open.

  How the hell was that even possible? And why did she have all this food if she didn’t know how to make any of it?

  Franklin snickered. “Rich girl problems, man. She’s always had someone else to do certain things for her all her life. She could have hired a cook and a housekeeper when she moved in here, but for whatever reason she didn’t. I think she wants to learn how to do things on her own, but honestly, I don’t even think she’s ever used a washing machine before.”

  I rested my elbows on the counter and leaned forward as I watched him flip pancakes in a brand-new frying pan.

  I shouldn’t have been surprised by hearing these things about Gem, but I actually was. She had bouts where she acted like the spoiled little rich girl she was, but mostly she was very kind and sweet. I thought about Finn, Colby, and Jason, and added manipulative to that list.

  Then I thought about the way she’d looked at both my mother and Monica, and added slightly psychotic to the ever growing list

  I shook my head as I remembered the look on her face when she came while Franklin fucked her from behind, and damn. Just damn. I tacked on sexy as fuck to the list too.

  I had never seen anything quite like her before, she had been beyond stunning. When I first walked into the room and saw them, I froze and could only stare. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. I’d thought if she saw me perving on them, she’d get pissed and tell me to get the hell out of there, but she’d done the exact opposite. She had embraced me instead. Well, embraced my presence.

  “Now that you’ve spent some time with her, do you think she’s anything like her sister? Unfortunately for me, I never got to know her, but now I’m wondering if they were anything alike at all. She broke our girl’s heart, ya know? Completely fucking crushed her. I have my suspicions she threw herself down those stairs and that she had to get drunk first so she’d be brave enough to actually follow through with it. Don’t tell Gemmy I said that, though I suspect it’s a thought that’s already crossed her mind. I’d rather just not hurt her by saying it out loud in front of her.”

  I closed my eyes and bowed my head. If he looked over at me, I didn’t want him to see the emotions flashing in my eyes, because I also had the terrible thought in my mind that there was a definite chance my beautiful friend could have taken her own life after walking in on Belinda cheating on her again, only this time with one of her good friends.

  Jesus Christ.

  That thought hurt too much to even think about, no way in hell would I ever speak it out loud.

  Never ever.

  I cleared my throat and changed the subject, asking something simply because I couldn’t not poke at him and wanted to get off this fucking subject. “How come Gem can’t cook but you can? Aren’t you a rich little bitch, too, who grew up with people just waiting in line to wipe your ass for you?”

  I sat up straight and smirked at him. He needed someone like me in his life who wasn’t afraid of him and wasn’t going to cower away from him and piss their pants.

  “Get fucked, Riles,” he chirped happily at me.

  Yeah, there really was something not right about the fucker.

  “You two look like you’re about five seconds away from hugging it out,” Gem called out snidely as she breezed past the kitchen and straight toward the glass doors. “How fucking cute are you two? Don’t answer that. Someone please be sure to mix my Goose in with my orange juice before you bring it out to me. Please and thanks, bitches.”

  She walked through the open doorway with a wave of her middle finger in our direction and a happy, deranged little grin on her face. I couldn’t focus on her words when her tiny bikini and all the skin she had on display were burned into the backs of my eyelids. I couldn’t even blink that shit away if I wanted to.

  And it must be said that I absolutely did not want to.

  “No fucking way is she getting vodka in her orange juice for breakfast,” Franklin scoffed. “She can have champagne like a normal person. That girl has totally lost her damn mind if she thinks she can have freaking vodka before lunch.”

  I didn’t get it. “If you can have champagne for breakfast and vodka for lunch, then what do you have with dinner?” I asked.

  Without hesitation, he retorted, “Wine if you’ve got a pussy and scotch or bourbon if you’ve got a dick.”

  What in the actual fuck was I doing here with these crazy ass people?

  “She’s turning into an alcoholic,” I informed him, and he laughed at me.

  “Don’t you worry, our girl can hold her liquor, she’s been practicing for years now. Besides, champagne is good any time of the day, you’re gonna love it.”

  Franklin handed me two champagne flutes that looked like they were full of orange juice, but the open bottle of bubbly booze on the counter told me all I needed to know.

  “I’m not drinking my breakfast, for fuck’s sake,” I grumbled, as I took the glasses away from him and headed toward the open glass doors, completely unable to not follow her. I rolled my eyes. Of course she had champagne flutes but no fucking furniture, the girl was insane.

  “A little champagne isn’t going to kill you, Riles. It’ll make her happy, so suck it up and shut your whiny ass mouth before I shove something in there that’ll really give you a reason to cry like a bitch.”

  Fucking asshole.

  I took a page from Gem’s book and flipped him the bird on my way out the door.

  His laughter followed me outside.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Maybe I Should Get A Dog



  I absolutely would not be attending Johnny Nines’ funeral unless I was going for the sole purpose of spitting on his grave. Still, it hurt just a little bit knowing Franklin didn’t want me there with him. Even knowing he had a legitimate reason as to why. He’d been there for me during the toughest time of my life, and it stung that I couldn’t be there to do the same for him.

  Not only had he not invited me, but he’d gone as far as forbidding me to go.

  I understood the why, really, I did, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.

  After breakfast and the bomb Franks had dropped on me, they’d both gone their separate ways and left me alone with my thoughts as I stared out at the water while I sipped the fresh drink Franklin had been kind enough to leave me with.

  People say everything comes in threes, and death with my family seemed to be no different.


  My father.

  Now Franklin’s father.

  I hoped it stopped at three and took no more from us, because I didn’t think we could afford to lose much more. Though, if Riley’s mother fell off a cliff and died, you wouldn’t see me crying over it. I’d fake being sad for Riley’s sake, but inside I’d probably be relieved.

  Franklin wouldn’t give a shit either way.

  I thought they knew I needed time to process and just
be alone, but what they didn’t know was that I also plotted.

  I wanted to get to Belinda, and I wanted to take her down just a little bit. I felt like my sister deserved better than what that bitch had done to her, and I know it wasn’t right and I was misplacing my anger, but I blamed her for my sister’s death. I held her responsible when I damn well knew the only one to blame was Gin, but you couldn’t exactly take out your pain on the dead because, well, they were dead and gone.

  The next best thing to get rid of this pain and suffering was Belinda.

  I needed to get her alone, and I knew exactly what I needed to do to get her right where I wanted her. It involved a little bit of lying and sneaking on my part and some hair dye, but I figured I could easily pull it off.

  I sighed, finished my drink, and went inside to pick out one of my sister’s diaries.

  I picked a silver one covered in glitter. I got a big, fluffy towel out of the bathroom cupboard and swiped my sunglasses off the dresser in my bedroom. I put them on and pushed them back into my hair, pulling my hair back from my face with them.

  The guys were in the kitchen whispering to each other when I breezed through. Ignoring them both, I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and moved out the open doors into my backyard.

  Down the steps I went, and when my feet touched the warm sand, I closed my eyes and curled my toes as a sense of peace I only felt when the water was near washed through me, filling me up inside.

  I laid the towel on the sand just far enough away that the water wouldn’t touch me when the waves rolled in, but not much farther back than that. I didn’t want to be down here on the beach and not actually be right on the water and close to it.

  There was nobody else down here today, and I was grateful for the solace in this moment. Usually throughout the day, there were several people walking along the beach. Couples holding hands. People walking their dogs or with their dogs chasing a ball, a stick, or a frisbee into the water and then running to catch up to their human with whatever it was hanging sloppily from their mouths.